4 Things To Look For In a Commercial Real Estate Broker

4 Things To Look For In a Commercial Real Estate Broker 

When you begin investing in commercial real estate, one of the most important things to consider is who you are working with. Your real estate broker is the person you should be able to depend on most in your buying and selling process, and someone you need to be able to trust completely. How do you know when you have found the best real estate broker? In today’s post, Sovereign Realty Advisors goes over four qualities every good commercial real estate broker should have. Read on to learn more. 


A good commercial real estate broker is persistent. Brokers make money on commission, so it comes with the territory, but they must be able to push through when things do not go well. A commercial real estate broker must be able to persistently make calls, scout out good properties, and go out of their way to ensure they remain experts in commercial real estate. Persistence is a necessary trait for any good commercial real estate broker and you deserve one who has it. 


A good commercial real estate broker will always have their client’s best interest at heart, and honesty goes right along with that. You don’t want a broker who sugarcoats things. You need someone who is willing to be open and honest about the potential drawbacks of a deal while keeping your best interests at heart. Honesty is the foundation upon which trust is built and if you can’t trust your real estate broker, they have no use to you. 

The Ability to Network 

It’s very much who you know in the commercial real estate business, so your commercial real estate broker should be able to network. It is vital that they stay up to date on the goings on of the market and they cannot do that without knowing the right people. Make sure the person you are working with has a large network of people they can rely on. 

Always Learning

A good real estate broker will go out of their way to ensure they are always on top of the most recent information about the industry. Whether that means taking classes, reading books, or attending conferences, they should always be learning, always trying to improve. You deserve a broker with the most up-to-date knowledge. Check their credentials and ask how they are staying in the know. 

Whether you are new to the commercial real estate business or are trying to brush up on old skills, Sovereign Realty Advisors can help. We provide the highest quality commercial brokerage services possible to the people of Essex county. Contact us today to get started!