A Sustainable Solution in Investing
Sovereign Realty Advisors has extensive experience in the Self Storage space. This experience provides the knowledge necessary to handle self-storage real estate investment effectively. Our background in commercial real estate provides a keen eye for a property that is ideal for self-storage development. We source, invest, and develop real estate, offering investors the opportunity to achieve their investment goals.
Sovereign Realty Advisors can help turn your dream of owning a self storage facility into a reality.
Stable Cash Flow
At Sovereign Realty Advisors we know that people use self-storage for various reasons, including household downsizing, renovating, relocating, military posts, or storing household records. Because people are typically not quick to get rid of their items, turnover is not much of an issue. This means the owners are not vulnerable to large swings in vacancy rates, which makes self-storage a reliable and ideal business.
Moderate Management Work
Self-storage facilities have relatively low maintenance costs. All that needs to be done is to clean up after one tenant has vacated and get the space ready for the next client. Often, there is no need for tenant improvements or leasing commissions. A manager would only need to be on-site during the day to handle new leases. Security guards, cameras, or alarms would cover the rest during late hours.
Like other real estate classes, self-storage investments can be classified into either Class A, B, or C properties. The location and physical condition of the building is the major aspect of the assessment. Also, the population in a few-mile radius tends to be the target demographic. Due to these factors, the self-storage investment has a stable price for existing properties, although additional enhancements like electronic access and climate control can be a factor.
Fragmented Market
Almost 80% of self-storage properties are owned by small, independent investors. Nonetheless, larger investors are noticing the solid performance in the sector. The larger buyers are turning their interests into self-storage investments, making them more attractive.
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Work With Sovereign Realty Advisors Today
Self-storage is becoming an increasingly popular investment area, especially for large real estate firms. Sovereign Realty Advisors knows how to navigate the increasingly competitive market, leaving our clients feeling satisfied and in control of their investments. Contact Sovereign Realty Advisors today to receive a quote.
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We understand tax and zoning rules, as well as, market data financial analysis, asset management and more. We can act as liaisons between buyers, sellers, leasers, and tenants for all commercial transaction. We do extensive demographic and location information plus provide in-depth financial analysis to determine if the property is a good fit for clients.
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